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Mizuchi Volume | Himeutsugi Volume | Karakurenai / Utsutsu Volume | Iroha Volume | Battle Tips
In this page, you will find the complete list of walkthroughs for Hana Awase New Moon.
✿ Hana Awase game play order: Mizuchi Volume ➸ Himeutsugi Volume ➸ Karakurenai / Utsutsu Volume ➸ Iroha Volume
✿ There are no locked routes, except for Utsutsu and Iroha in Karakurenai / Utsutsu Volume. Utsutsu’s route will unlock after obtaining Karakurenai’s true end, and Iroha’s route after Utsutsu’s true end.
✿ I recommend playing the main LI of the game as the first route (e.g. playing Mizuchi first for Mizuchi Volume) because the story is heavily built around them.
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Walkthrough list

✿ Early battles: When you are just starting out, focus on using single attacks as your chance of getting multiple sets of card combinations (i.e., Koikoi) will be low.
✿ Allocation of battle points: I usually prioritise increasing HP, ATK and DEF, followed by SPD. During the card battle (Hana Utsushi) practice, I also look at the stats of the next person I have to beat and I may do a couple of small battles to improve certain aspect of my mine to counter theirs (e.g. some players have high SPD with low ATK / DEF, or high ATK with low DEF / SPD, etc.).
✿ Hana Utsushi: I grind through Hana Utsushi practice early on. This helped me breeze through any Hana Awase battles and ensured they do not interrupt with story immersion. However, the game will always prompt you to go to Kasen Lecture Hall (or from the third game onwards, literally to “practice Hana Utsushi”) before any Hana Awase battles, so you can also spread it out!
✿ Koikoi: Once you obtain new cards from the Hana Utsushi grind, you will have more card combinations and can do Koikoi more often. The easiest Koikoi to perform is Crumbling Moon and any Ribbon combination (Two Red Ribbon, Two Blue Ribbon, etc.) because the cards used for these combinations will never overlap.
✿ Choosing a partner: Your partner will influence your battle points. During Hana Utsushi practice, if you are battling someone with a high DEF level, partner with someone with high ATK level, and vice versa.
✿ The Five Brights: Mizuchi is probably the most tedious to beat because his DEF level is maxed out (lv. 100). Once you beat Karakurenai, partner up with him to beat Iroha and Utsutsu as he will greatly increase your ATK level.
✿ Setting: If you are on Switch, during battles, you can access the Battle Setting by pressing Y. I recommend changing the battle progression from NORMAL (default) to HIGH-SPEED. If you want to lose on purpose, you can select GIVE UP.
Thank you for posting these! Very helpful.
Do you have any advice about stat distribution? Particularly, I’m unsure how much attention I should be giving the Heart stat.
Yeah good question! Personally I’ve always skewed most of my allocations to HP, and then to attack, defense and speed (especially earlier on) as those make battles easier to go through, and then later I also put some for water and love.
I’m travelling atm and didn’t bring the games I already completed (I have physical copies) but to give you a bit of an idea – my stats at the end of Mizuchi vol was roughly 70+ for HP, 60-65 for attack & defense, 50-55 for speed and then 30 (?) for love and water!