otomeology updates

Vira’s mini life update and plans for Otomeology!


Vira’s life update

Hello my darlings!

So lovely to see you. Apologies for being MIA for a while. If you follow me on Twitter you probably know life wasn’t treating me well for a while. I thought about just pushing it through with blogging, TikTok-ing and all that, but I quickly realised it wasn’t gonna go well. I was tweeting wrong dates and stuff – my head was just not there. Not that I’ve never been “clumsy,” but I just knew I wasn’t okay at the time. So I decided to step away and return when I feel better.

I’m so happy to share I’m in a much better place now! I moved out, decorated my place – I feel like a new person to be honest. I was so scared about living alone again, but the transition has been pleasantly seamless. And I think I’m ready to rejoin the community! 

Plans for Otomeology

While I was away, I thought hard about what I want to do with Otomeology. 

My wish is for Otomeology to continue to be a safe space for otome gamers. I will continue to blog and make contents so long it still makes me happy.

One thing I’d like to do is to put more of myself out there. I really want to get to know you guys! And I want you guys to know more about me. I’m still figuring out how to do this in a way that’s comfortable for me, but if you notice any changes in my content (especially on TikTok), this is probably why.  

I don’t claim Otomeology to be popular by any stretch. But at least from blogging sense, many readers seem to enjoy the news segment (?), so that’s where I will continue to put most of my energy. Also, I saw LinLin’s otome blog video and was so surprised she mentioned my blog! Thank you Lin 🥰 

As for TikTok, I think it’ll continue to be pretty random otome and/or gaming related stuff. I’ll also share more of my Japanese learning journey there!

For blogging frequency, I really don’t have a straight answer for you. I think Otomeology’s strength lies in the details of the news, especially unlocalised game news, and the relative timeliness. Of course this is only as timely as humanely possible, bearing in mind I’m doing this alone and with full-time work as well! 

Now, I must be honest…there are SO MANY NEWS I’ve missed during my break that I don’t even know where to begin. My plan is to do one big update post focussing on Otomate Party game announcements and other game release updates. I’ll do my best to have it posted by next week! I also want to do a DesperaDrops game overview, which will be the next thing after the big update post.

I remember wanting to do some kind of giveaway, but I am on the precipice of financial ruin. Okay I’m exaggerating, but yes, this is something that I’ll have to push down my list. It’s just no longer financially feasible at the moment. But I’ll make it happen at some point! 

I hate talking about finances, but god, otome games are EXPENSIVE. Running a blog is probably not as costly as some other things out there, but it still costs money. So I’m twisting my brain trying to figure out how to make this hobby more sustainable from a monetary sense. This one’s a work in progress.

So that’s where my head is at with Otomeology. Thanks so much for reading, for all the support and for being such lovely human beings! I’ll see you soon 🤗 

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11 months ago

I’m so happy to see you posting again and I’m glad you are feeling better!! I’m sending you all my strength and love, remember to always put yourself first and take your time with everything. I’m a new reader but I can feel the immense effort and love put into this blog so I just want you to happy. I really look forward to all your future posts!! ❤️

11 months ago

I just read your text! Thanks for sharing all of this with us!! I love what you write! I love your blog and to follow your content in Twitter and Tik Tok! I’m so happy you’re back! It’s so good to hear you’re better! 🙂









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